Friday, November 14, 2008

Interesting facts related to SLA

-An adult amnesiac who could not learn new information was perfectly able to learn a second language, French, including vocabulary.

-English primary school children who are taught Italian for one hour a week learn to read better in English.

-People who speak a second language are more creative and flexible at problem-solving than monolinguals, e.g. Einstein, Nabakov …

-Ten days after a road accident, a bilingual Moroccan could speak French but not Arabic; the next day Arabic but not French; the next day she went back to fluent French and poor Arabic; three months later she could speak both.

-The Voice Onset Time (VOT) of French people who speak English is different in French from those who don't.

-L2 learners rapidly learn the appropriate pronunciations for their own gender, for instance that men tend to pronounce the “-ing” ending of the English continuous form going as “-in’ ” but women tend to use “-ing”.

-After seeing an American flag, Chinese/English bilinguals are more likely to say interpret behaviour of fish as driven by internal forces; after a Chinese dragon as driven by external forces.

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